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About us

Our principles

Through our mission and principles, we envision a Swiss business landscape where ethical behavior is the norm, businesses prioritize the well-being of all stakeholders, and sustainable development is at the heart of every business decision. Together, we can build a prosperous and ethical future for Switzerland.

Ethics as a foundation

Ethical behavior should be the cornerstone of all business practices. We aim to instill a strong sense of moral responsibility within the Swiss business community, encouraging organisations to integrate ethical considerations into their decision-making processes and operations.

Collaboration and engagement

We actively collaborate with businesses, academic institutions, governmental bodies, and civil society organisations to foster dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collective action on ethical issues. By engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, we aim to build a network of like-minded individuals and organisations committed to promoting ethical business practices.

Education and awareness

We strive to raise awareness about business ethics and provide training opportunities to organisations and individuals. Through seminars, workshops, and publications, we equip businesses with the necessary knowledge and tools to make informed ethical decisions and navigate complex ethical challenges.

Ethical standards and guidelines

Our guidelines serve as a compass for businesses, helping them align their operations with ethical principles and best practices. Our standards are tailored to the Swiss business context, and are continuously updated to reflect evolving concerns and trends in the business world.

Advocacy and influence

We advocate for the integration of business ethics into policy frameworks and corporate governance practices. By collaborating with policymakers and industry leaders, we seek to influence the creation of laws, regulations, and standards that support ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility.

Our executive committee

Ivan Ureta


Senior lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) where he is also the Head of Executive Education, Ureta Holds a BA (Hons.) in Contemporary History, and a Master in History and Society. He was granted his PhD in Business History in 2003 at the University of Deusto (Bilbao) and completed a second PhD in 2014 on International Political Economy at King’s College London (UK). His areas of research, teaching and executive training are: international political economy, socio-economic development, business ethics, responsible management and leadership.
Ureta collaborates with Franklin University Switzerland and with the Seoul Business School at the DBA program on “Responsible Management”; with the Lucerne Business School and with the EMBA program offered by Deusto Business School, as well as with several Indian business schools.

Victor Blazquez


Lecturer and Researcher at the Competence Centre for Management and Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care (DEASS) – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). Blazquez also holds a position as a research fellow at Deusto Business School (Bilbao, Spain) being affiliated to the research group on Humanism in Management and Economics (HUME). He has also a research fellowship at the Ethics in Finance & Social Value Research Group (ECRI) at the University of Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain). Blazquez is also member of the research team Social/stakeholder Accounting for Sustainability (SAS) at the association GEAccounting AIE.

Luca Crivelli

Luca Crivelli, PhD, is an economist working in the fields of health economics and policy as well as of ethics and economics. He is currently head of department and professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, titular professor at the Università della Svizzera Italiana and co-director of the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+). His teaching and research topics include, in addition to business ethics, the economics of the nonprofit sector and value-based organisations, happiness and economics, behavioral economics (focusing on the role of reciprocity as a social norm), relational goods, social innovation and social business.

Branko Sain

Dr. Branko Sain holds a PhD and a Master degree in business strategy and marketing and a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Throughout his professional career, he has worked as an academic, consultant and senior administrator in businesses and academic institutions across 4 continents. Dr. Sain served in executive roles to design, innovate and manage academic programs across all credential levels, from undergraduate, graduate, executive and doctoral degrees. He has been also a driving force in several educational projects, including the creation of learning programs for underprivileged children in Europe, the USA and Africa, and the founding executive of a major IB K-12 International school in Switzerland.
Dr. Branko Sain is Dean of Executive Education and Innovation Franklin University Switzerland and Director of the Taylor Institute.